tip for selling my most important rule

Working with a client recently a really important tip for selling came back to my attention. This is something that has lived with me throughout my own career as a salesman and that I try to teach every new salesperson I meet.

‘Be Convinced’

My absolute number 1 tip for selling is to BE CONVINCED! Before you even begin to try and convince anyone else that they should buy your product or service. You should be completely convinced yourself, that what you’re selling is absolutely right. The right product or service to fulfil the needs of the customer based on the questions and answers that you should be asking them.

The difference between a salesperson who doesn’t care about what they’re selling and one who believes that their product or service is truly the best one to fulfil your particular needs is drastic. You need the sort of conviction that you’d have if you were trying to sell water in the desert!

Be Convincing

Not only is it crucial to be convinced but you must also be convincing. You can be absolutely convinced in your own mind but it is essential that you’re able to communicate this in a believable way to the customer.

Your commitment to your product or service should be unshakeable, however if you’re not careful this could appear blinkered. Therefore, here is where it is important to utilise data and proof that helps to back up your dedication.

You will convince with testimonials, facts and figures, and proof. Data that you should be collecting from previous customers and buyers of your product or service. Use whatever tools are at your disposal to get the customer over the tipping points, so that they’re equally convinced as you.

When they are as convinced as you should be then they will be ready to buy.

That’s just one of my tips for selling. Follow me on LinkedIn for more tips.


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